Hugo Rifkind

A page I made in order to link to other pages.


Look, I know it’s crappy and basic, but I built it myself, in about three minutes. I’ve got work to do, you know.

Briefly, though, I’m a journalist, a writer and a broadcaster. I’m usually at The Times, where I write editorials, columns and features. Sometimes I try to be funny, sometimes I try not to be. I often find myself hoping that people can tell the difference.

I also write a fortnightly column in The Spectator (which used to be called “Shared Opinion” but now isn’t called anything) and a monthly column in GQ (“How Not To…”). A few years ago, I wrote a novel called Overexposure. I also recently published a collection of My Week columns, which is very funny and you definitely should buy.

When off the page, I’m an intermittent panellist on BBC Radio 4’s The News Quiz and a recurring presenter on What The Papers Say. About twice a month, you might see me reviewing newspapers on ITV, on Daybreak and Lorraine.

I live in London. I’m Scottish, but you probably wouldn’t know it anymore unless I’m speaking to somebody else who is also Scottish. I think that’s about it. Yes.